That being said, how do we "be Jesus" or even represent Him well to our post-modern, post-Christian culture? Do we continue to do our church life as usual... hoping that He'll bring people to our churches to learn of Christ from us? Do we focus our efforts on building a "better mousetrap" and hope that the mice will "beat a path to our door?"
I think we need to go undercover a bit... To be Christ-followers cleverly disguised as school-teachers, or airline pilots, sign-makers or computer programmers. What if we showed interest in the people of our community and what they're interested in...? Wouldn't that be acting as "salt and light..." agents of change that can infiltrate our communities and make redemptive relationships with the "not yet Followers of Jesus?"
The church I serve is located in the downtown corridor of one of the most affluent suburban communities in our part of the state. The students from the local elementary and middle-schools literally walk across our parking lot after school, on their way to hang out at Panera Bread or Greater's Ice Cream Shop.
What if we could grab their attention by appealing to their interests and build relationships that would allow us the "relationship capital" to introduce them to Jesus? For some reason, God has brought our congregation a bunch of artists... We have musical, visual, technical, and electronic artists... many of them skilled in more than one discipline.
What if we used our facilities, and our people to reach out to the kids by developing a "School of Contemporary Arts" for K-12 age students. We could teach music lessons and mentor the kids to play in bands. We could have kids who are interested in electronic media... video, audio, the web, etc. build their skills under our mentorship and at the same time serve the church by envisioning and completing projects that could be used in worship and outreach. We could have kids help to design creative spaces and paint and decorate them... The ideas are as endless as the imagination can grasp.
We'd be building lasting quality relationships with kids in their areas of passion and watching for the opening to plant a "Christ seed" in their hearts.
It's a huge "Big Hairy Audacious Goal..." but what a blast it could be, and what a great way to connect with the kids from the community at an age when Christ-following role models can have such an impact.
For me it was the influence of mentors who challenged me to "Dream Big" that kept me focused on Christ and doing what he wired me up to do. I'd like to "pay that forward," if I can, and use that time-tested method to add freshly-saved kids to our congregation and mission.
Pray for me as I start to plant the seeds of vision for this mission. If you can support or contribute time and expertise, let me know. If you can contribute funds, let me know.
The mid-west suburban world is a "hard nut to crack"... the locals have pretty much everything they need, except Jesus... But the do have interest and passion for the arts. I think that's a hook that can help us be better "fishers of men."
Pick the idea apart and let me know what you see and how we can structure it most effectively... or if it's totally "off the wall," let me know that and why you think it is.
I'm excited about the concept but want the council of many to keep me wise!
1 comment:
Allan: You are a gifted thinker! I am greatly enriched by reading your observations!
Thanks for 'liking' my latest blog, my friend.
Dave Williamson
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